Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Call of Nature: New Photos at Camino Silvestre

I’ve never thought of myself as a nature photographer—or, for that matter, a nature lover. I feel more closely aligned with Woody Allen (“I am at two with nature”) than with John Muir. But when I find myself in the wilds—the Charco, Candelaria, a pond with frogs darting across the lily pads, an artful garden—I succumb to the charms of the natural world.

So I’m leaving photos of battered cars and market tarpaulins behind for the moment, and showing my photos of the botanical garden, the annual plant fair, and a couple of floral paintings, at Camino Silvestre (Wild Road), a beautiful new shop in San Miguel. Here are some images. 

In the end, the subject matter doesn’t matter. The myriad visual pleasures of the everyday world we inhabit are what I want the viewer of my photos to see and appreciate.

Camino Silvestre    Zacateros 46  Centro, San Miguel   Open 7 days, 11-7.

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