Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Everyday Magic

There are minor mysteries everywhere…the way the full moon shows up each month, perfectly poised in the night sky, in the arched window in front of my desk. The way the blue neon cross at the local parish church two blocks away is simply a straight line, like a sword pointing to the sky, from my studio window. Lately I’m fascinated by a springtime transformation that takes place in my home every day:

In the early morning, light comes in through the triangular window on my stairwell. It casts a sharp triangular shadow on the opposite wall, then migrates down the stairs and becomes a shapeless blob on the floor and kitchen rug, and around midday arranges itself in a perfect circle at the foot of the stairs. Now if that's not magic.... see the whole sequence here.


  1. Hi Lulu, I've enjoyed your blog so far. The photos and paintings are great and I've enjoyed the prose portion also. I was not able to open the "whole sequence Here" by pressing "here" on today's blog. It said it was private and that I needed your permission to enter. I didn't have that problem accessing other photos. Maybe other people are also having a problem.
    Also, I noticed the very attractive photo of you. I wonder who took it? Maybe the photographer could be acknowledged, no? :-)
    Best wishes, Gail

  2. Marvelous... how wonderful you stop to see such moments
    of wonder. Carol

  3. Dear Lulu,

    Glib of tongue, keen of eye, and fun. I also adore your crumbling wall and peeling car photos - better than many moderne works. Perhaps you will post these too, no?


  4. hi lulu. the link to the photo albums works now. yaaay!!

  5. Love the sequence -- 4 and 5 look like lima beans and peas from heaven.

  6. You've caught on to something that I'm sure many people experience without sharing--thanks!!Tom and I have an equinox windowthat casts a perfect square of light through the house on just those two dates. Love your work--Jack


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