Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Leonore Fleischer

I often tell people that it was Leonore Fleischer who lured me into the writing trade (vintage hippie era photo of Leonore from my book, Clothing Liberation: Out of the Closets and Into the Streets, circa 1973). She dropped by my stand on 6th Avenue in Greenwich Village one auspicious Saturday in 1970, when I was selling off the inventory of my macramé (yeah, wanna make something of it?) jewelry business, which had become a pain in the butt. Six months later she called me, having seen a write-up about my wares in the annual New Yorker “What to Buy for Christmas” article, wanting me to write a book on macramé. I protested vehemently, but she persisted, and over lunch at the Lion’s Head pub, convinced me that she could give me whatever help I needed (I had a graphic design studio at the time, but I was no writer). Well, the short version is that Leonore became my editor, and a very close friend: we are still in touch. I’ll let her tell you the rest of the story. But I want to brag a little bit—in the hope of hustling up some business—by quoting her response to my delivering that first manuscript:
"I read it, I read it over again, in shock. The manuscript was perfect. Perfect. Not a comma out of place, not an adverb wrongly used, not a work misspelled. More, it was as witty and friendly as it was informative. A witty craft book! I sat stunned. There was nothing for me to do, nothing."


  1. I loved this article on your beginnings as a writer. I am not very experienced with blogs, but reading yours is certainly a delightful experience, and one which I intend to repeat regularly.

    Best wishes with this venture.

  2. The Lion's Den!! One of my former favorite eating spots now long gone! Thank you for evoking a period in GV when such pivotal,fortuitous encounters seemed to occur more often.

  3. Such fun to peek into your life this way. Hope the opening is a success at Generator.

  4. Leonore was an amazing woman for whom I admired and Loved.. She is Very Missed.. I have this photo in my living room! In one of our numerous conversations she had told me about you.. and the book..and how no editing needed.. Thank You for having this page..I am glad I googled her and found this page.. May You Rest In Peace My Dear Friend Leonore <3


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