Friday, June 19, 2009

Maria Valenzuela

The amazing and endearing Maria Valenzuela only works two afternoons a week at my house, but she manages to clean, do the laundry, iron (and mend my clothes), shop and prepare food to leave in the fridge, pay the bills, tend the garden, and in general oversee whatever needs tending to. She works for other gringos during the week, and cooks for a local caterer. She is the matriarch of a large family--ten grown children, many grandchildren and an extended family--which means there are always unexpected expenses and crises, even deaths from the diabetes and other maladies that plague the local populace.

Clearly our lives are very different--I live alone, I have no children, I'm not religious. Yet we have become close. I am invited to family gatherings--of which there are many, often connected with religious celebrations. I 'sponsor,' as do other family members--one of the Christmas posadas they do for nine straight nights, providing pinatas and prayer (along with a mini-procession of the family's nativity tableau), punch and tamales, for their neighbors and community. For all her responsibilities, Maria has an abiding sense of humor and fun, and we always manage to laugh, even when we are having a difficult time. And we both enjoy our tequila.

I salute Maria Valenzuela, a bright light in my life and in the life of her family and community.


  1. Thanks Lulu, I am very lucky and proud to have a mom like her…….she is amazing!!!!!

    I appreciate that you have her in your thoughts.

    My mom has a special place for you in her heart.

    VIVA MARIA!!!!!!!!

    Vicky Ruiz

  2. Lulu...I know Maria through Sudheer and Ajita...she is a spectacular human are lucky to have her in your life!


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